Circle Membership
How do I join my friend's circle?
Ask your friend to send you a Join Link by tapping the ”Invite” button.Tap the Join Link. If you are physically together with someone or hav...
How do I invite someone to my circle?
Open the Circle you want to share and tap the “Invite Friends” button in the upper righthand corner. Tap the box to copy the Join Link or t...
How can I invite the same people to multiple Circles?
If you wish to invite friends to a Circle that are already part of your other Circles, tap "Invite" and then "Invite Existing Users." Users ...
The Join Link I was sent isn't working
The Join Link I was sent isn't working.Verify that the link is the correct format, followed by 10 alphanumeric digit...
If I invite someone to one of my Circles will they be able to view other Circles that I have?
No. Each Circle is a unique, shared album that is only accessible to the people you invite to join. Inviting a friend to one of your Circles...
How do I remove a member from a circle?
If you are the circle creator or a Moderator:Tap on the Members Row at the top of the Circle or "Manage Members" option from the Circle Info...
How do I leave a circle?
Tap the Circle you wish to leave, and tap the ⓘ icon in the upper right corner. Tap “Leave Circle” at the bottom of the screen. PhotoCir...
How do I promote a member to be a Moderator?
If you are the Creator or Moderator of a Circle, you can promote other Members to Moderator. Follow these steps:Tap on the Members icon in t...
How do I know if I am a Moderator of a Circle?
Tap on the Circle you wish to know your role in.Tap on the Members icon in the upper left corner. The names of all moderators are listed i...
I accidentally blocked a member from a circle. How can I re-add them?
Tap on the Circle where you blocked the member.Tap on the Members icon in the upper left corner. Tap on the 3 dots in the upper right corn...
I don't have a QR code. How can I join my friend's circle?
Ask your friend to send you a Join Link for their Circle- a QR code is not required.QR codes are primarily used for events with printed invi...
I accidentally left a circle. How can I rejoin?
Ask someone that is still a member of the circle to invite you. For more information, please see this FAQ.PhotoCircle Premium Plans PhotoCir...
If I remove a user from a Circle, what happens to their photos?
If you remove a user from a circle, their photos/videos will be removed as well. Each user is the copyright owner of their content.PhotoCirc...
What does a red circle around a member indicate?
A red circle around a member's profile photo indicates that they are new to the Circle.
Are other users notified if I accept or decline an invite to a Circle?
If you accept an invitation to join a Circle, you will be automatically added to the Circle. Other users will receive notification that ther...
How can I stop receiving invites to Circles from a particular user?
When you decline a Circle invitation, you can choose to block the user from sending you additional invitations. Follow these steps:Tap to op...